SSP White

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About SSP White

SSP White is the brainchild of Hemanshu (Hemu) Nigam, founder of SSP Blue, that addresses the threats to Safety, Security, and Privacy available within social media. SSP White is a service that exposes threats and reputation attacks, on persons of interest hidden inside online social media and track what they are talking about and whom they are talking to.

SSP White’s Social Media Analysts and Search Experts bring specialized training and expertise when identifying social media evidence on your persons of interest. Using advanced software and algorithms, they will be able to hunt down relevant and important information regarding you person of interest. SSP White is an investigative tool that can monitor and identify threats, reputation attacks, PII leaks, witness bias, and fraud by crawling several hundred social media sites 24/7/365.

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Bias Alert

Gather actionable intelligence on witnesses and stakeholders in high stakes litigation and identify bias in jurors during trial and deliberation. SSP White will provide you with valuable information that will give you an advantage in court.

 Fraud Alert

Identify potential fraudulent insurance claims (personal injury and workplace) by persons of interests social media use.

Threat Alert

Identify actionable online threats on posed by persons of interest. SSP White will assess the level of threat posed by the person of interest alert your security team. We will compile a list of people we feel are at high risk to endanger your client and are alert 24/7/365.

Reputation Protect

Monitor, identify, and remove attacks on reputation that are present on social media.

Privacy Protect

SSP White will identify and remove PII from social media and provide ongoing monitoring and cleansing of any information that may pose a risk.

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SSP White Products Serve a Range of Clients

  • Celebrity, Athlete, Public Official, C-level Executive
  • Sports Franchise and College Sports Organization
  • Investors and Insurance Companies (Fraud Guarantee)
  • K-12 and Higher Educational Institutions
  • Litigators
  • Politicians and Political Organizations

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SSP White Team